Allstream will soon support your voicemail services on a new platform, and there are several important changes that will impact your service:
- Voicemail command changes: The commands that you use on your phone to hear, delete and save voicemail messages within the voicemail system will change. For example, you can still access voicemail by dialing *98 but will now dial 1 to play messages instead of 5. Download the Voicemail Quick Start Guide for all the new menu instructions.
- URL for online portal: You’ll want to bookmark the new URL,, to access your online voicemail portal.
- New portal: Download the new portal instructions here.
- No pager notification: The new platform will not support pager notifications. Note that you can instead use email notifications as an alternative to pager notifications.
- Voicemail portal for all customers: The first time you log in to the portal, use your phone number that is associated with the voicemail as the login and the PIN provided by Allstream as your password. Once you’ve logged in, you can change your PIN.
- PINs and Passwords: The new platform has a PIN for access to voicemail through a telephone and a separate secure password for access to the online portal. Your PIN will work for both phone access and online portal access when you initially log in to the new system.
If you are experiencing any issues, we are here to assist you at 1-888-288-2273 or
User Guides
Voicemail Easy Attendant Quick Start Guide
Voicemail Premium Attendant User Guide
Voicemail Main Menu Commands

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will I need to record a new message? Reset my password?
A: Yes, you will need to program and record new greetings and passwords.
Q: What type of security features are available on the new platform?
A: Customers will experience added security features such as self-service password recovery through email, more secure passwords, notifications for password changes and more.
Q: Is fax to email supported on the new platform?
A: Yes, this functionality is available on the new platform.
Q: How do I access my voicemail if I’m away from my desk or I am unable to dial *98 from my phone?
A: The voicemail remote access numbers can be found here.
Q: Can I access the new portal now?
A: Yes, visit to log into the new portal. Please be advised that your voicemail messages will continue to be in the old platform for 60 days.
Q: I didn’t previously have access to a voicemail portal. What is my login name and password?
A: The first time you log in to the portal, use your phone number that is associated with the voicemail as the login and the PIN provided to you by Allstream.
Q: Will my voicemails and/or faxes continue forwarding into my email?
A: Once you have set up your new voicemail, existing forwarding configurations will be moved over to the new platform. If necessary, you can configure forwarding options in the new online portal.
Q: Will my attendant menu configurations be moved over to the new platform?
A: No. We recommend that you log into the new platform at to set up your attendant menu configurations. Please contact our care department at 1-888-288-2273 or with questions.
Q: Can I still access the old portal/platform?
A: You may continue to access the old platform for about 60 days to retrieve anything you would like to save.
Please contact Allstream’s care department at 1-888-288-2273 or for assistance.