Allstream currently uses MySQL as a database solution for customers with certain web hosting packages, such as WebBasic, WebPro, and WebGlobal on our UNIX servers. Once Allstream creates the MySQL database for your website, you must use a scripting language such as PHP to interface with and make changes to that database. Common scripting packages are usually free to download.
When installing these packages, you might need to modify the configuration file and supply the following information:
- Server or host name: mysql1
- Username or login: If your domain name is short enough, then your username will be your domain name with an underscore in place of the period (i.e. would have a username of mydomain_com). If your domain name is over 16 characters long, then your username will need to be shortened to comply with MySQL length restrictions. ISP Support can verify your exact username for you.
- Password: If you are unsure of your password, please contact Allstream’s ISP Support [text-blocks id=”365″ slug=”isp-support-number” plain=”1″].
- Database name: This will be the same as your username with an underscore and number at the end. For example, your first database would be named mydomain_com_1, the second would be mydomain_com_2, etc.